Hey! I'm Alena. A guide for women leaders and the founder of SHELeads.

I'm also a globetrotter, sports enthusiast, and optimist with an insatiable curiosity about people, life, and business. After thriving in the corporate world for over 15 years across 5 different countries and 2 continents, I followed my passion and created SHELeads. Download SHELeads Program Overview. Since 2018, the program, which targets participants within the European Union, has touched the lives of amazing female executives from 18 different nationalities - see the Past Participant Profile. Drawing on my managerial experience in IT, Travel & Tourism, Wellness & Beauty, as well as my studies of Human Behavior & Psychology, I've combined my professional skill set with invaluable lessons learned from my mentors and my own life journey. Over the years, I've also dived deep into various disciplines like Emotional Intelligence, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Coaching, Mentoring, and even mindfulness and meditation.

Fun facts

I'm a certified 'Enlightened Warrior' after surviving intense training in the lush Malaysian jungle ;) I even sat in complete silence in a temple for a whole month, attempting to tame my mind (with mixed results), and guess what? I did it not once, but twice! Oh, the stories I could share! But let's leave it at that for now, or we'll be here all day. Just know that my adventures have shaped who I am and bring a unique flavor to the SHELeads experience!

Many women who actively pursue a career in management are well in tune with our masculine side. We are go-getters, driven, independent and action focused. These are all great qualities because they help us get stuff done and achieve more at work. Yet, that's only one part of our story. There is another part of us which is the source of our inner flame, a place where so much of our power lies! I am talking about our feminine essence. Tapping into it, we can greatly enrich our own life, and also the lives of the people around us such as our children, partners, team members, customers, etc… I took it as my mission to help professional women build themselves up and tap into their inner sources of power to succeed in their career and their lives. And that’s how the SHELeads Program was born! You learn more about my journey in my podcast interview.

This is what I believe it means to be a woman in a male dominated workplace

And what about you?

If you are a female executive looking to make a difference in your field, build yourself up mentally and emotionally, and develop powerful leadership skills to handle whatever comes your way, I’d love to talk to you! It’s time to unlock the awesome and inspiring leader within you. Are you ready to join us and take your leadership to the next level?

Take a look at our FAQs and testimonials and I’ll see you on the inside!



Become an inspiring leader in a male dominated workplace.

Join the 93% of participants who found our discovery call crucial in their decision to enroll in SHELeads. Book your call now!